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The next generation of Apostolic Distance Learning is here!

High quality and biblically sound curriculum combined​

with convenience and affordability. 


Over 25 years of pioneering post-secondary Apostolic
Pentecostal home education. 

Formerly Biblical Apostolic University 

Why earn your degree through International Apostolic Institute?

  • Complete your educational experience in the convenience of your own home, largely at your own pace, and with an affordable cost structure.

  • Enjoy learning how to learn through lessons, assignments, and exams structured to provide a research-based education.

  • Exposure to content prepared and presented by Apostolic Pentecostal educators, ministers, and authors with over 350 years combined experience.

  • Immerse in literature-based curriculum - with digital delivery -  structured to help you develop a complete personal systematic theology.


IAI is in the process of a curriculum revision master plan forecasted to be completed by 2026.
Because of this, we are currently offering only the Associate of Theology degree program along with two certificate programs. Associate programs in each major are on track to be released by the Spring of 2025. Bachelors, Masters, and Doctorate programs will be released as they are available.  



This program focuses on helping students develop a systematic theology and represents a thorough overview of the Bible, biblical themes, history, hermeneutics, etc. Each course earns credits which can be applied to either an Associate of Theology degree or a certificate program.  



This program focuses on helping students understand Bible doctrines, biblical themes and history, and Christian doctrine without substantially exploring advanced theological topics. Each course earns credits which can be applied to either an Associate of Bible degree or a certificate program.

Coming Soon



This program focuses on  students pursuing Ministry by exploring biblical doctrine and themes, Church government, ethics, communication, and an extensive training program. Each course earns credits which can be applied to either an Associate of Ministry degree or a certificate program. 

Coming Soon


Select courses from our Theology, Bible, and Ministry programs may be purchased as either dual enrollment programs or as supplemental education programs suitable for a High School junior or senior. Credits may be applied either for home education purposes or toward an IAI degree path.


Looking for post-secondary level courses to enjoy in your spare time?
All courses offered by the International Apostolic Institute may be purchased individually without enrolling in a degree or certificate program. 


Want to earn credits but you're not quite ready to begin a degree program?
The International Apostolic Institute offers a series of certificate programs which allow you to earn credits toward a degree before formally enrolling as a degree program student.

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The impetus for the development of the International Apostolic Institute in 1999 - then known as Biblical Apostolic University - came from the late Dr. Marvin M. Arnold (1921-2001). A pioneer in the field of Church History, Dr. Arnold blazed the trail for future generations to see clearly the historicity of the Oneness Pentecostal doctrine which never ceased to be preached since the Day of Pentecost. 


Established in 2024 the Dr. Marvin M. Arnold Memorial Scholarship is awarded to two applicants per year covering matriculation and diploma fees and up to 25% of course tuitions for a degree path.


Learn More >

The International Apostolic Institute

Formerly Biblical Apostolic University 

C/O Christ Fellowship APC

380 South Washington Avenue

Lebanon, Missouri 65536

Dr. Jason M. Hood, MACE, Th.D


Dr. Billy D. Bates, Th.D, D.D. 

President Emeritus

Board of Directors

Dr. Clinton D. Willis, Th.D, Ph.D 

Dr. Vernon Kelly, D.D. 

Dr. Anthony Keaton, Th.D 

Dr. Michael Cook, Th.D 

© 1999-2024 by The International Apostolic Institute

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